people / object / dance / theater / music / cooking / video / juggling Started in 2007
Adaptable and mobile . Metamorphosis. from the Novel “WOMEN & MONKEYS“
My body is a people fed by land and clay. I am at the same moment both women and monkey. We are invisible, we are nothing, we are empty, we are living in a parade of passions. We are living in a double universe, in a double reality. We are living covered up under different facets, carapaces. In our world, things can turn side suddenly. About what we are watching, nothing is stable. Maybe, we focus on one side of the real ad vitam aeternam, and we do exist. However our identities, images of self-appearances are moving infinitely, non-stop, no break. This is time to play metamorphosis. Playing metamorphosis, by embodying raw imaginary people (both real people and objects people), let themselves show to themselves while reading unfinished book
The multitude of humans metamorphosis gives unforgettable feelings transplanted in our memory.There is an empty space manned by almost nothing, few words, a few last moves before its ultimate disappearance. Women & Monkey is a vision, a mirage, an illusion, a misplaced lead.
2008 May 20th performance #2 at OUI “MIchel de Certeau” contemporary art exhibition center, FRANCE
duration 80 mins
DJ & Cooker : Raphaël Charpentié.
Performers: I-An Chen, Valentin Lechat.
Musicians: Jérémy Teruel, Cyril Moulas, Luc Détraz, Stéphane Césard, Lucas Spirli, Olivier Cosme.
Video & texts: I-An Chen, Valentin Lechat, Guest.
Costumes: Delphine Robin, Guillaume Brissaud, Valentin Lechat.
Lights: Gaël Boffard.