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˚˚˚˚˚˚ DELIVRÆNCE 9 ˚˚˚˚˚˚ 未來馬戲 Futuristic Circus

˚˚˚˚˚˚ DELIVRÆNCE 9 ˚˚˚˚˚˚
未來馬戲 Science Fiction Odessa
Cosmic Contemporary Circus X Imaginary Alive Music X Hybrid Lights Systems
圓劇團THUNAR CIRCUS Creation 2016 at 白晝之夜 Nuit Blanche

Premiere : 20:00
Second : 22:00

website: 白晝之夜 Nuit Blanche

Conception, Director, and performer: Valentin Lechat
Musical creation and performance: Arnaud Lechat
Lighting device design performance: Alexis Mailles
Costume Designer: Celma Jonker
Visual Design: Pegasus I-An Chen

● Length of the show: 30 minutes
● All audiences – all origins

more details …>>>


We do not absolutely belong to the earth. Different worlds exist in our imagination. Our blood like water like elements opens in infinite universes. Constructed as a vision from a musician perspective, we follow an evolution of a human being through a spatiotemporal window. Time is unknown, location is unknown. Science fiction. Projection. Evolution & fundamentals. Imagination optimum from hybrid objects, passion opened, self-confidence with the outer space.
A humanist futuristic Odessa where there is no robotic plugs inside the body, where rituals, plays, metamorphoses, breathings, fusions, space traveling, power magic still effective and beauty.

Round Uprising 《圓形起義》

In music LIVE, Performing Art, Theatre by valentinlechat / 2015 / No comments


《圓形起義Round Uprising》

We walk, we pursue experiments in an attempt to open ways of viewing and imagining.

演出時間:2015年 07月 19日 星期日 下午14:30
演出地點:國家戲劇院 實驗劇場

索票入場,需預先線上報名索票 兩廳院 — ET搞「革命」

創作與表演:林正宗, 陳星樂Valentin Lechat
聲音裝置設計:Alexis Mailles

主辦單位: 國家兩廳院

FLYWAY – shapeshifters XY

@ The Station : Opening Party
around 8pm
《FLYWAY – shapeshifters XY》 圓劇團
short randomized joyful performances.
With Yung Chen Chen ACCORDIONZ & Valentin Lechat JUGGLINGZ almost.

This is a beginning of a what you want to be, 2 minutes series in random bonks this is what ? Whatever in your ear whatever in your hands. To not be want to whatever ear the local customs and dig ?!?

customize your vault…