Faces 臉的創作發想來自馬戲的概念-numéro(節目、曲目之意)。
表達作者 內心情感與情緒的諸多面向和轉折。
在馬戲的炫技、娛人性質之外,更交疊了藝術家真實的情感 表達以及與人們互動所得來的即興反應,
I am in love with contemporary circus and poetry of public space — audience, this show is my life, every week-end I perform in Taipei, the show takes inspiration from the Contemporary Circus, cinema, metaphores but also has been influenced by Asia atmosphere, qi gong, and Taoist cultural.
It is very interractive, active -reactive, funny, poetical, the juggling is innovating unique and theatrical, movement straightly express inner feelings, mental images.All the artwork created by years of labor and playful interaction with my raw material and audience. 星樂
Director: Valentin Lechat
Performer: Valentin Lechat
Stage design: Valentin Lechat
Conception costumes: Valentin Lechat
Costume design: Ms Zhou, Celma Jonker & Valentin Lechat
Conception Transformation Construction Objects: Valentin Lechat
Graphisme design: I-An Chen & Valentin Lechat
Soundtrack remixed by Valentin Lechat
Advicers: Jérôme Thomas, Celine Bacques,
Support from DONDORO theatre, 華山1914文創園區, Bureau Français de Taipei, 臺北市政府文化局
A THUNAR The UNited ARtists production
{臉} 藍天下 舊作 golden time:
2017 : 188 演出 [版 2.6 to 2.8] (法國,台灣)
2016 : 227 演出 [版 2.5 to 2.7] (葡萄牙,台灣)
2015 : 272 演出 [版 2.3 to 2.5] (台灣)
2014 : 218 演出 [版 2.2 to 2.3] (韓國,台灣)
2013 : 287 演出 [版 1.8 to 2.2] (台灣)
Special thanks to Takeshi Kitano, John Cassavetes, Quentin Dupieux, Bobby May, Francis Brunn, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Alfred Hitchcock, Hoichi Okamoto, Ilka Schönbein, Johann Le Guillerm, Tsaï Ming Liang, Jean Pierre Leaud, Orson Welles, Michael Moschen, Karl Heinz Ziethen, Jérôme Thomas, Jay Gilligan, Céline Bacque, Jeff Calafato, I-An Chen, Anjani Lechat…
Copyright 2013-2113 © THE UNITED ARTISTS